Monday, May 14, 2012

My Year In Review

I noticed that it has been a year since my last post, which prompted an idea of doing a quick year overview. Last year I used the blog to keep people updated on my second trip to Zimbabwe where I taught the Gospel of Matthew to roughly 80 Zimbabwean pastors. A lot has happened since then and yet some things still remain the same. Here is a quick list:

Ministry happenings
  • I will be starting my 10th year in college ministry in June. These 9 years have been a great experience. Such a blessing.

  • We sent out our first home grown missionary family, the Hodzi’s, to Zimbabwe. It has been a wonderful journey to see the Lord grow and provide for them. They went on the field in September.

  • We said goodbye to Elijah Vogel. He graduated seminary and went up into the mountains of California to work at his home church. It was a blessing to see him join our college group roughly 5 or 6 years ago. He joined our leadership team and went to seminary. What a blessing to raise up and send out men who will bring the Lord glory. He left us in January.

  • College ministry was very fruitful this year. One of the highlights was our College worship team. It was a blessing to see roughly 40 students every Sunday get involved in our ministry in some way. We also have been working through the book of Ezekiel. On our Wednesdays Bible study, we have been continuing our study in Matthew and should complete that study by the end of the summer. The question now becomes, what will we study next?

  • We added 2 more missionary families in April. The Holmquist family and the Zeller family. We look forward to their ministry and to our part in that ministry.

  • Steph and I, plus an amazing lady from our church, Jan, were able to go to Italy again. I had the wonderful opportunity to teach Italian pastors and their wives the Gospel of Matthew. This was totally different than my teaching time in Zimbabwe. This class was geared more for an advance course and we spend much time getting into more advanced issues. It was a great time and we look forward to going back in a year, Lord willing.

Personal happenings

  • We added another bulldog to the family in January. He is a tan and white bulldog named Nacho. He is a very adorable bulldog but also is very stubborn. Rocco (our brindle bully) has just started to get along with him. It’s been an interesting process.

  • I finished up what appears to be my last official class of the ThM program. It was class in Dispensational Theology, which I enjoyed very much. Now all that is left is writing a thesis, which I will begin immediately. In fact, I am writing this at the Seminary Library.

Hope you enjoyed a quick summary. There is much more, but that would take way too long. I’m thinking I will begin blogging about things on the Gospel of Matthew and other odds and ends.

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