Thursday, May 7, 2009

End Times or Last Thing On My Mind?

I have been studying Isaiah and Romans this last semester as well as going through 1 and 2 Peter on Wednesday night Bible Study and have been hit with this reoccurring theme of the End Times. Isaiah is filled with Millennial Kingdom references. Romans deals significantly with God’s plan for Israel in the future. 2 Peter, well if you haven’t read chapter 3, then you have missed an amazing account of God’s future plan. All of this has pushed, or maybe even shoved me, into an End Times study, which we will do as a series in the Wednesday Bible Study in the summer.

In part of my reading, I came across this quote by Paul Benware in his book, Understanding End Times Prophecy. He states, “The attitude exists among many of God’s people that, ‘when Jesus and the end times come, they will come, but in the meantime I have to live my life in the real world.’” I quickly thought of myself and said…sad but how true is that of me! Why do you think that is? Why do we go about our own things, in our own little world with the End Times the last thing on our minds?


Matt & Amanda said...

I guess it boils down to where our treasure is. Are we living for the future hope of heaven? Are we living in light of the gospel everyday? ...those have been the questions I have been thinking about lately. I wish Matt and I could come on Wednesdays and be part of the study. Maybe we can. :)

Jason Beals said...

We'd love to have you. We will finish up 2nd Peter in June and begin an overview of Eschatology in July that will deal with not only a Dispensational viewpoint, but look at others too.

We miss you guys a ton. I'll be up in Oxnard with Steph the last week of May so maybe we can connect.